
At Banks Holdings Limited (BHL) we have taken to establishing environmental awareness programmes and are paying closer attention to reducing our carbon footprint. As such, we have found allies in the Future Centre Trust and the Clean Bim Project.


The Future Centre Trust:

With a motto of "Educate, Conserve, Protect", the Future Centre Trust is a charitable, non-governmental organisation which focuses on the environment, the resources of Barbados and methods by which the community can take a greater role in conserving and preserving these resources for future generations. The overarching goal of the organisation is to raise awareness of the need for sustainable ways of living while providing suggestions and solutions as to how to achieve this charge.

The Future Centre Trust is also the organisation instrumental in the certification of Green businesses in Barbados.


The Clean Bim Project:

An initiative of the Barbados Tourism Product Authority (BTPA), the Clean Bim Project was launched on World Environment Day, Sunday June 5th 2016 and is a national environmental campaign against littering, illegal dumping and environmental degradation. Clean Bim is a collaboration between several national environmental agencies and organizations, with Banks Holdings Limited (BHL) being once such company committed to the cause.