Careers - Our People
At the core of our Group's success is a vibrant and creative cadre of employees. We consistently strive to ensure that our corporate culture both attracts and rewards talent and that the BHL working experience is enjoyable providing mutual benefit and growth for employee and company alike. Our Group has gained the reputation as 'an excellent place to work'.
Our group provides new employees with a comprehensive orientation programme and opportunities for training and retraining are also made available to staff at every level to ensure that our team is equipped to successfully undertake allocated tasks.
Benefits of joining the Banks Holdings Limited (BHL) team include:
- Medical Insurance Scheme
- Pension Scheme
- Group Life Insurance
- Product Allowance Programme entitling employees to products manufactured within the BHL Group of Companies
- Employee Share Purchase Scheme which offers permanent staff opportunities for buying shares at reduced rates
Recruitment & Selection
We seek to attract candidates who in addition to requisite job skills:
- Have a professional approach to their work
- Are team players
- Have a sound work ethic
- Have a creative, positive and enthusiastic outlook
- Are self starters
General Applicants
Banks Holdings Limited’s (BHL) companies have general application forms which candidates can complete and return to the respective enterprises. All such applicants must submit a police certificate of character and should have completed secondary education. Beyond this basic requirement, there will be additional stipulated requirements for individual vacancies.
Job Opportunities
Posts across subsidiaries are advertised through the Human Resource Department and are first listed internally, in an effort to give our suitably qualified employees opportunities for advancement. However, senior level positions are simultaneously posted internally and externally.
Job Postings
Vacant positions for which BHL is seeking applications are advertised internally, through national newspapers and posted on this site. To view all current vacancies, click here.
How To Contact Us
Interested persons should submit a detailed Curriculum Vitae and two (2) business references on or before the date specified for the relevant post.
We sincerely appreciate your interest. However, only suitable applications will be acknowledged.